Be a Strategist, not a Tactician: Important Lessons from Robert Greene and Bill Belichick
War has long been a fascinating subject that helps us better understand decision-making and human nature. The life and death struggle of the battlefield is a microcosm of the daily battles we all fight in our personal and professional lives. Like life war is intensely complex and there are real lessons in the brilliance of great generals like Hannibal or Rommel. These lessons are not only important for future military leaders to study but have application in our daily lives.
One such lesson, brilliantly outlined in the Robert Greene book 33 Strategies of War is the idea of strategy over tactics. To understand the difference and how improved strategy can make us better husbands, fathers and knowledge workers you have to understand the difference between tactic and strategy. Tactics are the actual means used to gain an objective, while strategy is the overall campaign plan, which may involve complex operational patterns, activity, and decision-making that govern tactical execution. In short, the former is just one part of the latter.
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