Working Through the Resistance and Find That Juice

I’ve been dealing with writer’s block lately. Since I started writing articles and putting them on the site I’ve been pretty consistent in my output. There have been times when I’ve been busy, both in my personal life and with my day job and I haven’t been able to turn out content as often, but I’ve still been productive. Over the past weeks I’ve turned out nothing. I’ll find myself thinking of a good idea during the day, writing it down, and then getting up the next morning and not being able to write on the subject. I’ll make excuses, push it off until the next day, and then the self-doubt will seep in.

I’ve essentially been dealing with what Stephen Pressfield calls “resistance”.

My solution? Write about my writers block.

Dealing with writer’s block is no different than dealing with the resistance we face every single day. That thing that’s stopping us from finding time to exercise during the day, or stopping us from completing that deadline looming project at work, or responding to those emails that are piling up in our inbox.

According to Pressfield these resistance points are based on fear, self-sabotage, procrastination, self-doubt, and a whole host of other demons that everyone faces to varying degrees.

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