Abstinence is a Super Power (Not the Abstinence You're Thinking Of)

The ability to abstain is a superpower.

This isn’t the type of abstinence you are thinking about.

I’m talking about the ability to abstain from the little habits that can be become full blow obsessions. I’m not talking about drugs. I’m talking about everyday things.

Smart Phones. Email. Twitter. Facebook. The NFL. Instagram. Netflix bingeing. Reality television.

It’s often not about what our priorities are, but what are priorities aren’t.

Ask anyone what their priorities are and you’ll get the typical list.

Family. Work. Marriage. Faith.

But It’s the non-essential things we often prioritize that get into the way of our real priorities. For all the emphasis on the important things, like family and our marriage, we let things that shouldn’t be priorities get into the way.

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